51. I'm 51 and I can still pass an Army Physical Test!
50. Brave Rifles! 1st Team! Skilled and Resolute! Fightin' Fifth! It'll never leave me.
49. I get paid to be a Chaplain...no seriously, they pay me to do what I love!
48. I am a wartime veteran! I am still shocked that I joined the Army at 42 and went to war. Blows my mind.
47. I preach and people listen. Just as shocked as the Army thing. Can't believe God redeemed my life at 18 and did this. Blows my mind.
46. I have spent 33 years studying the Word of God. So proud it is one of the most consuming things about my life.
45. I was raised in a conservative traditional Christian Family. Never knew how much that was going to pay off.
44. My Dad raised me to be a man's man. Huge benefit. Not chauvinistic or egotistical, just able to take care of myself and my Family. Honest and true to your word.
43. I was blessed to grow up in a stable Family.
42. I was raised by a strong woman! Made me a strong man.
41. I married a strong woman! Made me a strong husband.
40. My daughter's are strong women! Continues to challenge me to be a strong Dad.
39. My son's compassionate heart challenges me every day to keep my game up as his model of a Christian Dad. (No pressure.....)
38. I grew up in a multicultural environment. So glad the fabric of my life has so many colors.
37. I worked three jobs to pay for my Bachelor's degree. Hard, but it chiseled a lot of the old me away.
36. I fought for my life to finish my M.Div. Only God knows all of that story. The depths of that pain reflect the heights of His deliverance.
35. I was blessed by God that my Church paid for my entire Doctorate degree. That time of my life re-shaped my theology of being a Shepherding-Pastor.
34. Except for my modest mortgage. I have been debt free for 11 years. We don't spend much, but we value our financial freedom.
33. I have a cool brother. Marine / Air Force kind of guy. A true friend to the end.
32. I have a sister who has the heart of our mother. Will always be there for you.
31. All of my crazy extended Family. Way too many to mention, but I have a lot of love from you guys. When the Army started becoming punitive for things posted on social media I knew you guys were going to get me fired! Pretty close a couple of times...keep up the good work!
30. I've been called pastor, chaplain, doctor, (and a lot of things I can't post). But for those of you who call me David...thanks. I need friends too.
29. I love the outdoors. Primitive camping, hiking, skiing, kayaking, fishing, hunting etc. Most of my sermons have been written either from the top of a deer stand or on my back porch.
28. I love Alabama football. It's like a disease I never want a cure for. Haven't missed a game since September of 1997. Sad that I know that. Roll Tide!
27. I miss missions work. My role in the Army keeps me from the areas that need Christ the most.
26. I love pastoring my Soldiers and Families. The love that Soldiers show me is humbling.
25. I love that I keep up with most of the people from the Churches that I pastored.
24. I'm good in crisis. Sad we need that, but when the time comes that's what I do. (Thank you Lord)
23. I love that my friends know exactly where they stand with me
22. I love the Beatles, the blues and old time Rock -n-Roll
21. I love my southern accent. Yes, I said that and I don't care about your Yankee accent either!
19. Blessed to have had great Godly pastors and Godly men/women who have spoken into my life
18. Blessed to have been taught by Arrington, Slocumb, McMahan, Land, Johns and F.J. May
17. Blessed to have been so heavily involved in Music (few people actually know I am a musician)
16. Blessed to have been born so good lookin'; only rivalry is my wit
15. Humbled that God meets with me and speaks to me. I truly mean this. I know who David is. I wake up and have an honest look at him every morning. Everyday God pours through me to others.
14. Humbled that God has brought so much redemption into my life. Those of you who knew me know.
13. Humbled of how many leaders in my life believed in me and invested themselves in me!
12. Confident that God will finish this work.
11. Confident that God do anything He wants with my life.
10. Confident that my wife will always be by my side and my kids will always love me.
09. Thankful for the rough life. What was meant for my harm God turned around for my good.
08. Thankful for my new mom who takes care of my Dad.
07. Thankful for the peace in the midst of the storm. An awesome place to live.
06. My Dad, Phillip I. The most honest steadfast man I've ever known. Thanks for turning the curse around. God is faithful down to a thousand generations.
05. My son Phillip III. I love that you have a tender heart for God and that you are shaping up to be a man's man. It's going to pay off. (You're welcome)
04. My second daughter Hope. Your spontaneous creativity will keep you on the crest of the wave. Love to paint with you. Love how passionate you are with your friends.
03. My first daughter Faith. You rock! I love that no matter how smart you get, you still like to get a little crazy with your dad. Love how determined you are in your Faith Walk.
02. My hot wife Nicole. I have no idea why you love me as much as you do. You're awesome! You have made our Family what it is.
01. That God loved me, gave me a new start in life, and he has not been limited by my limitations!
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