Is There A Leader Among Us Who Can Bring Reunification?
"But wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy, and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy. And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace." James 3:17-18
Pure: We Need An Honest Leader
America is exhausted with corrupt leadership. The only chance a leader has in winning both sides of the isle is one free from a corrupt nature. You will never be trusted if you have hidden agendas and false motives. This country will not unite with a leader who will use people for political gain.
Peaceable: We Need A Leader Who Thinks Win-Win
Enough fighting! America has witnessed 4 years of the worst statesmanship in the history of our nation. The next unifying leader will have to lead peaceably. It is past time for both parties to call a truce and take the gloves off.
Gentle: We Need Respectful and Professional Negotiations
With everyone coming to the table looking for a fight, it does not take much to set each other off. A gentle approach will be needed to avoid igniting America's short fuse. Have you ever seen so much anger and rage being purposely provoked? It will take a tremendous amount of patience to turn this ship.
Reasonable: We Need Moderation
We are a slanted nation. Every political agenda, news report, medical advise and religious speech has such a steep slant that it has become an embarrassment to intellectualism. There seems to be no shame in the blatant lies that are being crafted and executed to mislead the masses. History will look at you in shame; you will forever be remembered for your actions. The next unifying leader will have to be a voice of reason in a world of extremes.
Full of Mercy: We Need to Drop the Vendetta
When you stand before God on judgement day, will you ask for justice or will you ask for mercy? The only way you can reconcile is by allowing the guilty to go debt free. That does not mean you allow people to keep abusing you, but you will never move toward reconciliation if you are demanding retribution. From my perspective, both sides have blood on their hands. Better to live in mercy than try to subdue someone into retribution.
Good Fruits: We Need Results
Leaders get results. No more false dreams. The next unifying leader will have to go from seed to fruit and prove the right to lead. Both sides will have to taste and see for themselves that the product is worthy. We have had enough with leaders who can motivate masses but not deliver results.
Unwavering: We Need a True Course
We will not follow a flip flop leader. Have a plan, believe in the plan, stick with the plan. Do not change policy because it became unpopular or because your lobbyists' contributions have dwindled. Leaders do not abandon their followers in the midst of battle. If we sign up with you, be true.
Without Hypocrisy: We Need Confidence in Leadership
How can you establish and enforce laws while you are a lawbreaker? How can you take punitive action toward one person and show favoritism to another? Not many of you should be leaders for you will be judged much harsher (James 3:1). Being a hypocrite disqualifies you for leadership.
Peace Maker: We Need to Be Led Toward Peace
Unification = Peace. It will not happen any other way. Vindication, retribution, punitive action, take overs, yelling, screaming, rioting, hate speeches etc.. NONE OF THIS WILL WORK. You will NOT subdue one group to the other. If you do not have a vision for peace, you do not have a vision for unification.
Apart from God, I do not see America coming together.
Do you see any other way?